Channel: Mark Hyman, MD
Category: Entertainment
Tags: how to live longernutrition tipsmotivationinspirationself developmentself improvementhow to age in reverseprevent diseasereverse agingmark hymanmark hyman interviewhow to never get sick againself helpmark hyman live longerfasting tipsmark hyman dietpersonal developmentdavid sinclair interviewhealth tipsdavid sinclairhealth theoryhealthy foodsdavid sinclair fastingeat these foodsdavid sinclair dietdavid sinclair lifespan
Description: Get my top tips for optimal health and vitality: Age is not the definitive factor it’s made out to be when it comes to our health. We can use our age as a baseline for tracking our health and longevity, but it isn’t stagnant. For example, certain types of testing can help us compare our biological age to our calendar age in order to tinker with our wellness routine and achieve the milestones we’re after. With the right steps, we can slow down and even sometimes reverse the aging process. When it comes to our biological age, or the measure of how well our body is actually functioning for whatever life stage we are in, there are many things that impact it. Diet, lifestyle patterns like exercise and sleep, and stress are all involved in forming our biological age, along with many other factors like blood sugar, inflammation, and genetics. This week on The Doctor’s Farmacy, I’m joined by Dr. David Sinclair to explore the topic of longevity and anti-aging and how he reduced his own internal age by more than 20 years. Dr. Sinclair is a professor in the Department of Genetics and co-director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biology of Aging at Harvard Medical School, where he and his colleagues study longevity, aging, and how to slow its effects.